To access the Settings menu inside the game, tap on the option on the right upper corner of your main screen.
When doing so, the Settings menu of the game will be displayed. There, you'll find:
- Your account: Tap on your user information to have access to it. Once you do it, you'll be redirected to your account, from where you'll be able to see the email address associated to the game and your username, and change your password.
- Music/Sounds: You'll find these options under you account information, represented by the quaver and megaphone icons respectively. When tapping on them, you'll be able to enable or disable the music and/or sounds of the game.
- Technical Support: You'll have the option of contacting our Technical Support team if you have any type of problem with the game or you want to share with us your opinion about any functionality of the application. When tapping on it, you'll be redirected to our contact form.
- Connect with Facebook: You'll be able to select the option of associating your account with this social network.
- Log out.